Top tips on going about AIPMT preparation like a pro


Preparing for the AIPMT, the premier, national-level medical entrance examination is no mean feat. Conducted for admission to MBBS and BDS courses at all medical and dental colleges administered by Central government entities, the AIPMT enables candidates to be considered for admission to such colleges across the country except in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Jammu & Kashmir (Under a 15% pan-India quota).

Additionally, several states have committed to use the merit list from AIPMT 2016 for admission to institutions that they control. Now, who would not like to take one examination and become eligible for admission to several top institutions at one shot!

AIPMT 2016 paper

To be held on the 3rd of May, 2016, the AIPMT 2016 will be a paper and pen examination that will last 3 hours. It will consist of 180 questions of objective type MCQ’s, with the maximum possible score being 720 marks. It is a single paper that covers 3 subjects – Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Given that it also scores negative marking of 1 mark for a wrong answer, an already challenging examination becomes an obstacle even more difficult to overcome. It could be relevant for candidates to look at some tips from leading experts in this regard.

  • There is one thing that nearly all experts agree on – clear focus should be maintained on the NCERT conceptual framework. Starting with the 11th standard textbooks and then moving into the 12th standard ones, aspirants should align understanding with the NCERT approach and practice answering questions fitting in with this pattern.
  • It is in the very nature of the exam that while the Biology section demands a certain kind of approach in terms of being able to memorize a lot of facts taken as-sis, the questions in the Physics and Chemistry sections require a lot of problem-solving ability and critical thinking in order to answer them. This requires differentiated preparation on one’s part.
  • Daily practice with solving MCQ’s from NCERT/reference books and online portals is essential in order to settle into a good problem-solving regimen and sharpen understanding
  • Numerical skills are key particularly for Physics and Chemistry. Practicing rapid-calculation techniques would go a long way towards getting an additional 10-20 answers right on the exam in these subjects.
  • Like for most competitive exams, it is very important to solve as many previous years AIPMT and model examination question papers as possible in order to gain a picture that would be closest to exam-day performance
  • Having a routine of weekly revision would aid in avoiding the “swallow the food in one mouthful” syndrome during the week before the exam. Multiple iterations of study and revision are far more effective in building depth of subject-knowledge than big-bang rounds of study.
  • Health and relaxation is an area that is often ignored for the AIPMT and several such exams. Maintaining regularity with physical activity, food and sleep habits goes a long way in keeping good physical shape and sense of calm much needed for exam-performance.

AIPMT Syllabus coverage – Focus areas

  • Some topics in Physics which generally demand extra attention on the AIPMT are Mechanics,Optics, Nuclear physics and Thermodynamics
  • Being a medical entrance exam, Biology generally requires the maximum importance both in terms of preparation time as well as the range of the questions possible. It also generally ends up accounting for the maximum number of questions on the examination. As far as Biology goes, critical topic areas which demand a significant amount of extra attention include Genetics, Cell Biology, Plant and Animal reproduction, Plant physiology, Animal physiology, Biotechnology and Ecology and the Environment.
  • With regards to Chemistry, some key focus areas include Chemical bonding, General inorganic chemistry, periodic table and mole concept.

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