Starting your own business can be tough. Regardless of what industry you choose to break into, there’s always a certain amount of risk you take on when you become a small business owner. But in some industries, you have to take...
Archive - November 2017
The number of courses and universities available have multiplied as the years have gone by, yet, if you’re remotely indecisive or unsure, this can make it harder to choose what you really want to do, even when you have...
Perhaps you’ve had second thoughts about your chosen career and you think you’d be better utilized in the IT field? There are many different types of IT career. Designers are graphically inclined and are natural digital...
It is often said that people only reach the zenith of their potential when passion and career come together as one. While there are a lot of people out there who like animals, not all of them are willing or capable of working...
College is the point in your educational ladder where you really begin to find and create yourself. When deciding on a college, you need to be fully aware of what that institution offers and if it’s best suited to you. Visiting...
Different careers and industries fit with different personalities. There can be available jobs of a particular type, and specific types of people just don’t fit there very well. It could be an attitude thing, or perhaps a...
When we were young, we dreamed of being anything from Superman to God and everything in between. As children, our motivation for wanting to do those things was not money or making our way to the top. We wanted to help people. As...
Regardless of your chosen career path, it is essential to have the right workplace. A space where you can work in peace and in a manner that is productive is critical as it can greatly influence the outcomes of your efforts. It...
Many people start looking back on their year once the festive season approaches, especially when juggling home life with a busy career. While there are some memories and moments that will stand out in your mind for all the right...
While all jobs can have times where they are more stressful or cause you to go through tough emotions, careers that require you to help others through their own personal problems can be especially taxing on people in those...