An integral part of any business plan is the strategy that you use to establish your brand. It should be a multi-faceted approach that reaches your targeted audience in a variety of ways. Determine who you want to reach, how they prefer to communicate and receive information, and develop a strategic plan of action to connect with these potential clients. Let’s look at some of the tools that you can use to successfully market the goods and services that you provide to customers.
- Most customers are visually stimulated and will be drawn to colourful banners that give them a brief overview of your company and what you are selling. The professionals at can guide you regarding the selection of font size, text colour, the materials that you want your banner to be made from, and various types of banner styles that can be displayed in different ways. You will have to decide if you are going to use the banner indoors or outdoors, where it will be located exactly, and what goal you are trying to achieve. Asking for professional guidance will help you to get the banner that you need to make your brand more recognisable.
- Do you have an attractive website? Is it compatible with mobile devices? If your web designer has set up a webpage for you that loads quickly and provides information that customers need, you will be tapped into a large audience that shops online. Be sure to develop a social media presence since this is one of the fastest growing marketing tools available to business owners like you. With this format you can interact with your customers and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Clients are searching for immediate feedback and with this strategy you can set yourself apart from your competitors who haven’t discovered the power of social media.
- Don’t overlook some of the traditional marketing tools like flyers, brochures, and email campaigns. All of the marketing materials that you distribute should use the same logo, colours, and information so that your brand will become easily recognised by potential clients. Keep the literature simple, informative, and easy to read so that your potential customers will consider your business when they need the product that you have to sell them. Use email campaigns with a targeted audience to reach the segment of the population that might be interested in products like yours. You can purchase reliable lists or use some of your own methods of gathering email addresses to create a solid customer base.
- And finally, you should have a blog on your website that offers extra information about how to use your products, perhaps some testimonials included from your clients, and ways for the readers to leave comments and questions. This will give you another valuable tool for reaching out and engaging with existing and potential new clients.
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/