We are more than convinced that for a good childhood, children have the right to give them a name, a family, education, food, health care, protect them, not to work or be discriminated against or mistreated. A child must be a child, especially.
Children should have the right to try and experiment. What child has not given breaks in bed? What child has not been made of mud up the hair ?. Children are not born knowing everything. We must educate them, while respecting their limits and abilities.
The right to be a child of children
Respect the rights of children
Ever you ever wondered what it is you are doing with your children ?, What ?, purposes they have to expect them what ?, how ?, they feel or what kind of expectations do they have in terms of you?.
Although they seem fragile, and are in many cases, children think, indeed, seen much of what we do. They learn by our attitudes, our care, our behavior and conduct towards them and others. The family forms the first line of defense for children. How far are the parents of their children, the more vulnerable they become.
I wonder what that society is doing to children? Abuse, exploration, sexual abuse , abandonment, abuse, physical and verbal, hunger, child pornography , harassment , rape, wars … Why these little people, so helpless, are increasingly in the spotlight and the target misfortunes, disorders, diseases, incompetence, cruelty, lack of maturity and consciousness of adults?
I think before we talk about the rights of children, we must reflect on the duties of adults, who decided at the time to be parents and those who already are.
The rights of children draw a goal, but we have to work it is us. A child is not happy by definition, happiness is also taught, learned and must be applied in everyday family life. It seems difficult to talk about child rights in the times we live.
However, if we leave parked somewhere or just require them to be as perfect and controlled, what kind of defense and security have children.