Running a warehouse can be a highly stressful job. If there are any errors in the supply chain, it can often be your neck on the line as a warehouse manager. This is especially true when it comes to the holiday seasons, where demand can often outstrip supply. Thankfully for you, you have come to the right place when it comes to making sure that your warehouse is being run as efficiently as possible. Read on for five great tips for warehouse management that will have you running your warehouse to the top standards.
Optimize Available Space
The first point of order is to take a deep look at the ways that you are using space in the best possible way. Take a look at the types of storage units you already have and think about ways that they can be utilized better as opposed to having to buy more space. Here it also makes sense to invest in different types of shelving units that can accommodate all types of objects.
Follow a Lean Approach
A lean approach will help you to maximize efficiency by eliminating waste. There is a deep philosophy behind it, rooted in Toyota’s manufacturing processes, but the basic principle boils down to only having what you need on hand for just-in-time manufacturing. The benefit of this is being able to cut down on often-expensive storage costs. If you need more help with lean warehouse management, then it always helps to bring in the services of an outside consultant in order to identify ways that supply chain gaps can be better optmimized.
Embrace Technology
Naturally, when it comes to warehouse management, technology and learning new skills all the time, are crucial for optimizing almost any process. Whether developing a warehouse management system, using drones, or creating automated computerized lists that cut down on paper, by using the technology on hand, you will save time and money, allowing your business to properly thrive. While there might be some upfront costs in implementing the technology in the first place, it is sure to save you a lot of money in the long-run by automating a whole host of processes.
Build Easily Accessible Workstations
Having easily accessible workstations makes everything a lot easier for your workers. It improves productivity as it means that they don’t waste time looking for tools. Make sure to have a simple system that displays clearly where certain tools are kept, so that time wasted is kept to an absolute minimum.
Pay Workers Fairly
A happy workforce is an efficient workforce. If you pay them well, it is likely that they will reward you by working hard.
This also stops them from deciding to unionize, something that can slow down production quite significantly. As a boss, it helps to be on the side of your workers and treat them like a family. By antagonizing them, then it is highly likely that you will achieve the opposite effect. Filling vacated roles is time-consuming and costly – good job benefits help cut this down.