Many brands are still clinging to outdated websites. They want to achieve more success than they have but feel that the slow progress may be due to forces beyond their control like increasing competition or lower prices by their competitors.
By bringing your brand’s website up to date, you’ll be surprised at the difference it can make in your brand awareness, increase your conversion rate, and create significant growth in the traffic to your site. And updating your site all begins with an SEO audit. Many owners and managers are aware of SEO. However, they don’t understand the importance of it and how it can be the foundation of your online business success.
Start with the Basics
An audit of your website will reveal data like:
- Site usability and effectiveness
- HTML tags that identify missing or outdated information
- Focus keywords, research and effective on-page placement
- Internal linking assessment and best practices
- Backlink ratings and data productivity
- Page speed data, including response time, page size and image compression
After the SEO team has reviewed all this data, they’ll provide you with a detailed evaluation and summary of the issues they found with your website. They’ll also provide you with a list of recommended optimisations and improvements that will help meet your brand’s goals for the site.
Room for Improvement
Just because an audit doesn’t turn up any major problems with your site doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement. The audit is the way to find out exactly what kind of improvements will need to be made to accomplish some of the popular facets of digital marketing.
To be robust enough to support an ecommerce platform is often the reason for undergoing an audit. These platforms put a site under considerable stress with the traffic they generate. Having an SEO audit on your site should always be the first step in updating to an ecommerce platform.
Building a backlink network is something that many brands start doing on their site from the time the site is activated. In theory, it helps you spread your brand awareness. But unless all your backlinks are high-quality, they could be having a negative effect on your ratings. The audit can identify low-quality backlinks that are hurting your ratings and should be gotten rid of.
The audit will also tell you how mobile-friendly your site is and what you can do to increase the friendliness.
Smartphones surpassed tablets and PCs as the most popular devices for accessing the internet a few years ago. If it’s been a while since your site has undergone an audit, doing so can provide ample reasons to undergo a website update and revision. The audit will guide you in which pages need to be updated to be in compliance with a mobile format.
Contact Primal if you have plans for your website that include digital marketing or ecommerce. We can help ensure your website is fully capable of supporting your plans.