What it is the World Environment Day and how to celebrate

What it is the World Environment Day and how to celebrate
The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5, but do we actually held? The main objective of this festival is to raise awareness in society of the need to conduct a sustainable development to preserve the environment.

It also seeks to promote political attention and action on the matter. And it is necessary that everyone put their bit to achieve keeping the planet in the best possible conditions, as far as possible. So you can also help you in tell you what the World Environment Day and how to celebrate.

What is?

According to the United Nations Environment Programme, the World Environment Day (WED) is “an annual event that aims to be more widely celebrated the day worldwide, through positive environmental action. WED activities take place year round but its peak is every year on June 5 with the participation of people from all geographic locations. ”

When did it take place?

The Mundia Environment Day was established by the UN General Assembly, in its resolution (XXVII) of 15 December 1972 with which he started the Stockholm Conference, Sweden, whose central theme was the environment. It was also then that the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) was adopted. In this way, it has been held without interruption since 5 June 1973.
How to celebrate?

To commemorate this festival and, in turn, help the conservation of the environment and awareness of the population can perform multiple actions. For example, organize a cleanup of our neighborhood or town, recycle waste, reuse materials and objects, planting trees, walk or bike to work, among other things.

Also, if you plan to organize an activity of greater nature with your family, school, clubs, town or city to celebrate this day, you can share it with the rest of the world to serve as inspiration. Fill out this web form and placed in the World Map WED!

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