Emotional Intelligence Is Now the Focus of Education

The best courses and programs today are shifting their focus and training students to have better emotional intelligence. According to studies complied by the University of Maryland’s online MBA department, emotional intelligence is now one of the many important factors used by hiring managers and recruitment specialists to rank potential candidates, especially when they are filling managerial positions. The increase in demand for supervisors and managers with high emotional IQ means universities and schools are now actively adding EI-related trainings to their courses.

High emotional IQ is a trait that good managers should have for a number of reasons. For starters, people with high emotional IQ are better able to work under pressure and deal with stress. More importantly, they have the ability to help other people deal with pressure and stress.


You can learn more about the shift in focus and how emotional intelligence is important from the Emotional IQ and You infographic, released by the University of Maryland.

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