As a chair side assistant, an Intra Oral Dental Assistants are expected in order to receive as well as get ready the patients for treatment such as sterilize, get ready as well as set out dental equipment and materials. The process of x-rays, help dentists while dental procedures, apply dental dams, educate patients, pit & fissure sealants, topical anesthesia, take preliminary impressions for diagnostic cast, removing and applying wedges and matrices and more. Nowadays, Intra Oral Dental Assistant Courses become well popular among the students and most of them prefer to learn this course.
Position and Responsibilities
As a significant part of the oral healthcare group, the dental assistant offers patients in a reassuring approach when maintaining an ethical and professional method. A dental assistant will help the dentist throughout the examination as well as treatment of patients, offer direct patient care along with educating the patient on the significance of oral health. Thus, a dental assistant will also perform fundamental laboratory skills as well as maintain patient’s records. In addition, some other roles are also maintained by the oral dental assistant. These are some of the basic roles as well as the responsibilities of the Oral dental assistant.
Course Prerequisite & Course Content Includes:
Here are some basic course prerequisite are given for oral dental assistant course. Such as they are,
- Verify police indicating the absence of any criminal record
- Must pass the entrance examination
- Must adult candidate and successful completion of the GED course
- Pre- entrance immunization statement indicating that the student is fit to under the course
- In addition to customary immunization, it is essential each candidate be immunized beside Hepatitis B.
The Oral Dental Assistant Courses includes,
- Dental specialties
- Basic Dental sciences
- Techniques and Principles of Infection control
- Computer Skills
- Medical Emergencies and Pharmacology
- Direct patient care
- Clinical Dental Assisting procedure
- Communications and office skills
- Dental Radiography
Therefore, these are some of the basic oral dental assistant course includes on it.
The certified Dental Assistants are eligible, oral health care, and licensed professionals who offer requires support and patient care services below the supervisions of a qualified dentist. The candidate who successfully completed Oral Dental Assistant Courses is eligible to apply the National Dental Assisting Examination Board certification exam. The graduates of the Intra-Oral Dental Assisting (Level 1 & Level 2) course should write as well as must pass the NDAEB Level 2 certification exam to use their Level 2 skills in a dental office.
Career Opportunities
After successfully completing the Oral Dental Assistant Courses, the graduate may look employment in a wide range of dental offices such as Endodontist, Pedodontist, and General Dentist, Oralamaxillofacail surgeon, Periodontist and more. In addition, some other career opportunity may found as dental sales envoy for a dental distribution company. The positions are also available in the dental department of dental laboratory, hospital otherwise with the public health department. The graduates will be qualified to find gainful employment in private practices, dental supply, public health services and hospitals.