While the job market has certainly shown improvement over the past year or so in the United States, finding a job that you not only enjoy, but that also pays well, is something that is on many peoples’ minds, including college...
Category - Education
One of the biggest challenges facing teachers in the classroom is engagement. Under-engaged students can be the bane of a teacher’s day, and with a lack of interest and engagement comes the risk of disruption and behavior that...
Accounting homework is challenging, be it coming up with financial statements or just coming up with a simple essay regarding whichever topic you get. In most instances, the assignments given prove to be very challenging. It is...
Native speakers of English who are traveling or living in France often wonder about the possibility of earning some income by teaching English to French students. There is a high demand for English teachers in France, so there...
Would you like to teach students whose first language isn’t English, to read, write and have effective conversations? This is the role of an ESL (English as a second language) or ESOL (English for speakers of other languages)...
Do you want the best possible life for your child? Are you willing to do everything you can to help them on their way? Would you like to get started as soon as possible? If your answer to these questions is yes, you will need to...
Going to the university (finally!) lets you experience freedom and independence. You will find both of these quite addictive as you head on to test and move your boundaries, meet new people, and get to know yourself better, but...
Are you ready to explore a new career path? Would you love to make a positive difference to the world around you? Do you have an interest in psychology and mental health? If your answer to these questions is yes, you should...
Advanced Placement courses are a way for students to prepare themselves for further education at a university, even earning credits that will count towards their degree. To earn college credits, however, students must first pass...
People have recognized the value of a foreign education for millennia. Young people used to move to neighboring or allied nations to develop an insider’s knowledge of foreign powers. More recently, it was common for the wealthy...