Why You Need a Dangerous Goods Cabinet at Your Workplace

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If you handle dangerous materials in the workplace you need a secure place to store them where they won’t pose a safety threat. This doesn’t mean a corner of the workplace, a shelf or any old cabinet, what’s required is a cabinet that has been specially designed to store dangerous goods.

So, what dangerous goods are used in the workplace that need to be stored in a dangerous goods cabinet? Any material that’s flammable or corrosive is considered to be a dangerous material which needs to be stored in a secure, specially designed cabinet, like a fire cabinet in a Perth workplace. Examples of dangerous goods include:

  • Flammable substances – Gasoline, kerosene, petrol, etc.
  • Corrosive substances – Acidic materials, acids, paint thinners, etc.

If you have dangerous substances like these in your workplace, you need a dangerous goods solution. Fortunately, there are many dangerous goods solutions at hand, so look at websites like http://www.sepmar.net which provide a wide range of dangerous good solutions for businesses like yours. The right solution will not only help you to minimise the likelihood of a serious incident in the workplace, it will also help your business organisation adhere to its workplace health and safety obligations.

Flash Point

Substances with a flash point below 23 degrees need to be stored in a dangerous goods cabinet, though in some states and territories small amounts (less than 100ml) may be exempt. To find out your obligations, access information pertaining to flash point requirements in your state or territory. A number of common materials have a flash point below 23 degrees, including:

  • Acetone
  • Benzene
  • Carbon disulphide
  • Ethyl alcohol and ethyl acetate
  • Methylated spirits

If you have any of these liquids in your workplace in amounts greater than 100ml, you need to purchase a flame-resistant cabinet. What’s more, you also need to read up on your legal obligations regarding the room in which the cabinet is placed, as there are often requirements relating to wall thickness, positioning of windows and other aspects of flammable goods storage.

Corrosive Materials

Like flammable materials, corrosive materials also need to be stored in the correct environment, which means you’ll need to invest in a corrosion-resistant cabinet if you handle and need to store any of the following corrosive materials:

  • Acetic acid
  • Chromic acid
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Nitric acid

These corrosive materials are usually not exempt in small amounts like some flammable materials with a low flash point, so always store materials like these in a specially designed dangerous goods storage cabinet from a leading supplier of dangerous goods storage solutions. The website listed earlier in this article is a good place to start your search for high-quality storage solutions that meet state and territory regulations for the storage of flammable and corrosive substances and liquids.

To sum things up, if you handle any corrosive or flammable substances in the workplace, like those listed and discussed above, you need a dangerous goods storage solution, like a corrosion-resistant cabinet for corrosive materials or a fire-resistant cabinet for flammable materials.

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