If you’ve set a goal, no matter it is, consistency is key to achieve this. If you want to stop smoking, learn English, go to the gym, lose weight or become a better worker, perseverance is your best ally. One of the keys to being constant is to be motivated to accomplish your goal because if you do not have a clear motivation to take you to get it is difficult for the scope. So in unComo we’ll explain how to learn to be constant.
A really motivating goal. The first thing you need to be consistent is a good reason, look out for a goal that you really want to meet.
If you have good reasons to do so, you will be more motivated to reach it and will keep the motivation every day. Same is a bit repetitive but to be constant must have really clear what you want, an objective wake you up positive emotions or feelings.
You must be realistic and set goals that you can achieve with the resources at your disposal.
To be consistent you need a favorable environment. If the environment around you is negative, it is very difficult to learn to be consistent.
This decisive step has two aspects: first, we need to count on the support of people you trust, that someone who is always there to offer advice, or encourage correct you in moments of doubt; on the other, you need the enabling environment for you to be constant.
If you want to be consistent you should keep track of the benefits.
For example, if you start a diet, control your weight regularly; if you’ve decided to start running, gradually you will notice that you can do more kilometers, if you stop smoking you will notice the benefits in your everyday life.
If you bring a record with all those benefits, in moments of doubt or slump you will have one more reason to keep going and not give up. A newspaper is a good tool to perform this monitoring and should be consistent in your updates.
Be consistent and fun are not incompatible. For example, if you’re bored jogging alone surely you know someone who is willing to accompany you, or try another sport (football, cycling, swimming …); if you diet, you involve your whole family to improve your eating habits.
The new habits you include in your routine should be motivating and fun, something you like. Otherwise, you’ll find it hard to be constant.
There are no valid excuses. In moments of doubt or weakness we tend to deceive ourselves with excuses that do not lead anywhere. One of the keys of the record is to leave behind these excuses and focus on our goal. The lack of time, tiredness, cold … is some of the worst excuses that we can use, so try to avoid them.
As you finish with them you will realize that it is easier to be consistent and your satisfaction will be greater to leave behind those excuses. In unComo we give you keys to be motivated to learn, be motivated to lose weight and stay motivated to exercise .