How to Market Your Small Business


As a small business, your website is an integral part of your brand. It can also be your business’ most powerful marketing tool.  Today, nearly 4 billion people are connected to the internet and yes, this number is projected to increase over time. Companies the

world over have taken advantage of this tool to leverage sales, increase the number of clientele, spread information, and so much more.

If you’re a small business owner who’s looking to reap in the benefits of the digital market space, here’s how you can go about doing so.

Build a better website.

A common mistake small businesses make is that they rush the process. While having a website is better than not having one at all, making sure that your website is actually a good one is important. So what defines a “good” website? Well, it can range from fast page load times, being mobile friendly, overall good design (aesthetically pleasing), and more. Sites like SiteBuilderReport are a good reference point to see which website builders can help you attain the attributes of a “good” website.

Be active on social media.

Research has shown that the average customer mentions brands at least 90 times per week with family, friends, and co-workers – via social media. Having an active presence on your social media networks is pivotal to your company’s growth, and success.

One post per day on your Facebook page, a couple Tweets here and there, and random photo posts or snaps on Instagram and Snapchat is not enough. So, what does “active” really mean? It means having a social editorial calendar that outlines what content you’ll be posting, on what platform, at this time, for “x” amount of days. It means creating social dialogue with your customers, so conversations are created around your brand. It means, curating, and producing original content to grab and retain the attentions of your followers.

It means all of this, and then some. Never stay dormant.


When one thinks about online marketing, one of the words that’ll likely come to mind is “blogging.” As a brand, mastering the art of creating compelling content to lure customers in, is a necessity. Blogging can open your business up to more exposure, a more engaged consumer who gives feedback, solidifies you as an industry expert, etc.

A standard blog is more than just well-crafted content that is both interesting and informative. It’s an invaluable tool that is build for interactions with your customers. The comments section of your blog is a place for them to give their feedback, ask questions, and engage with you beyond automated means.

Additionally, a blog makes your brand name synonymous with customer interests and connects your name to their needs.

While these are just a few tips on how to market your small business online, companies like EZSiteBuilders offer up more insight. As vast as the World Wide Web is, opportunities for marketing are endless. There are tools, and resources to aid you along your business journey.

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