Whether you’re starting a new dream job or refreshing an outdated closet, there is lots to keep in mind when choosing a career-appropriate wardrobe.
If the idea of spending money on updating your closet makes you worry about your finances, use a site like ukhomeandpersonalloans.co.uk to apply for a personal loan. The right clothes can get expensive but the long term benefits of appearing professional in the work place are astronomical. Below we’re going to go over 5 tips for building that great wardrobe you deserve.
Choose premium fabrics
In general, avoid cotton in the workplace. Dress shirts, blazers, and camisoles should be made of the types of material that resists wrinkles, is easy to clean, and looks high quality. Wearing lower quality fabrics can be both embarrassing if you’re unaware that people have noticed and detrimental to the way you’re viewed in the office.
If you want to put your best foot forward, you’ll need to dress the part and that involves spending just a little more for better fabrics that impress.
Avoid showing too much skin
This should go without saying but is still a difficult concept to grasp for some. No matter how beautiful your body or how different something fits you compared to someone else, the workplace is not the appropriate setting for skin. Cleavage shouldn’t be overly exposed so choose tops that cover well or find complimentary camisoles and undershirts to help close the gap in a cute top.
Treat shoes like the cherry on top
While you may be able to get away with finding bargains for high quality clothes and accessories, don’t cut corner on the shoes you’ll be wearing in your offices. Great quality shoes are the most important part of an outfit that aims to appear professional and well put together.
Take care of your dress shoes with routine maintenance and don’t be afraid to part with shoes that have begun showing signs of wear. Keep an eye on the latest trends but stay true to a simple aesthetic that isn’t too flashy.
Think about longevity
Speaking of trends, be sure to choose outfits that will stand the test of time. If you’ve chosen great quality fabrics and articles made with care, your wardrobe will last you years. Timeless fashion is synonymous with class and professionalism.
Use the internet and take a look at the outfits that have lasted decades. Smart cuts and tailored fits never go out of style. If you find something deep in your wardrobe that you loved but no longer fits the modern style, donate and replace them.
Buy versatile items
To keep your wardrobe feeling fresh, choose pieces that are easy to mix and match. Blazers are nice touches to throw over a dress and different colored blazers can make an old dress look like a new one.
Make a list before you go shopping so you don’t get distracted from your purpose. Find your basics and the stand out pieces that you’ll accompany them with. Being able to use your wardrobe in different ways will keep your daily routine exciting and get you ready to face the day confident in your skin.